Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Daily Show Vs. The Colbert Report

This is a discussion my wife and i had the other night - which is the superior program, The Daily Show or the Colbert Report?

Let me say right off the bat, that i am a huge fan of both programs. 11pm-midnight is the best hour of nightly TV solely because of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert and either show makes me laugh a good bit and always leaves me feeling a little bit smarter for watching, too.

However, i will come out and definitively say that i believe the Daily Show is the superior show. I have three points that will illustrate why:

1) Stewart is the straight-man to the absurdity of both the real-world and his correspondents - Because he has no 'character' to play, Stewart's voice is often the echo of our own, and can truly point out the absurdity of the political, entertainment and news worlds. This is unlike Colbert, who by design is more absurd than the people he mocks and rarely breaks character. Although we may laugh at Colbert, we laugh with Stewart.

2) The Daily Show offers more variety - The Report is a set-based program, whereas the Daily Show uses the world as its stage with segments filmed all over the world (as well as the almost nightly green screened-scenarios). Similarly, Colbert is his show - Stewart has a slew of corespondents (of which Colbert used to be) to riff off of, send to do a piece in Iceland, Iowa or the Starbucks, and use to illustrate the humor in whatever situation arises.

3) Stewart is truly invested in his guests - I am always pleasantly surprised to see Stewart's interviews - he has seen the film his guest is promoting, read their book, and knows their policies. Very rarely does Colbert know much more than a few points found within each book featured on the show, whereas Stewart will pull obscure passages, ask for clarification, and generally be truly knowledgeable about his guest and their work. As someone who watches a lot of late-night TV, i appreciate this integrity you see nowhere south of Charlie Rose.

Like i said, i love both shows - seeing John Legend and Colbert duet on the Paul McCartney/Michael Jackson classic "The Girl is Mine" last week had me cracking up, and i thought Monday's piece on George McGovern was excellent. However, for my money, the Daily Show slightly edges out the Colbert Report in its "must watch"-iness.

What do you think?


erin said...

I want to point out that we did not discuss this as I stated I preferred the Colbert Report and you stated the opposite! That said I just want to point out, even though I know they come from different comedy beginnings, that the Colbert Report was just as good with the Writer's Strike.

Unknown said...

I gotta agree with Wifey on this one. What defines a superior show? I would say a suprior program is one that is more entertaining, especially given the channel comedy central which both shows appear on.

Like Erin pointed out, Colbert was able to keep a level of greatness even in the absence of writers. Stephen's talent goes beyond the writers or even a supporting cast which the Daily Show relies on.

I am reminded of a recent sports debate I saw on ESPN, who is better Tiger Woods or Michael Jordan? One commentator made the argument that Michael Jordan could have an off night where as Tiger Woods had to always stary consistant. I think this speaks to this debate. Where as soemtimes the Daily Show can be dissapointing because of which correspondent appears (although really pleased with the new girl last night) I am always happy to see Colbert.

I gotta disagree with you that Stephen Colbert rarely breaks character or is even a clown to be laughed at. I think he rarely breaks character COMPLETELY. His tongue in cheek humor is much more subtle than Stewart's blantant comments. "Tonight, I will investigate the facts of whether Barack Obama is a muslim, and then I will say he is anyway." The audience gets it, and he didn't have to get on a soap box to say it.

The interviews on Daily Show are better if what you are looking for is Meet the Press, but again, it's Comedy Central, and I came to laugh.

I also am a giant fan of both I just think the Colbert show does much more with less.