Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Blog to the Future, Part 1

So i know what many of you will say - i abandoned my first blog, and never really got the second one off the ground. Well - the first blog got stale in that format, and the second blog's format was too restrictive - so here we are, at the infinitely-better-titled Blog to the Future, where i will share opinions, recipes, links and the occasional stab at originality and/or humor.

Quick Hits:

Last night was a big disappointment to us Obama supporters. However, he came out of it with almost the same delegate lead as he had going in, so not all is lost. Plus, who can trust states that a) elected George W. Bush as governor, and b) handed George W. Bush the 2004 election on a dirty, filthy silver platter?

I've got full-on Spring Training fever. So much so that i've been DVRing all the televised Mets games and watching them, despite not counting and already knowing the score many times, just to check on the development of my beloved Metropolitans.

I've got a ticket to see the Breeders in June, and i'm pretty excited about it. They are one of the few bands left on my "must see before they retire/i die" list. In fact, they may be the last one that i would really kick myself over.

LOST has been blowing my mind. "The Constant" may be the most confusing yet satisfying episode yet.

Stay tuned later today for a record review or two, featuring my new, patented "Jigowatts" rating system (hint: 1.21 is the best you can score).

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